Friday, 17 December 2010

The story so far.....

I've been with my boyfriend now for nearly three years. 
I never thought we would end up being as serious as we are but I'm so so happy with my Gavin :)
We met at work, Waitrose, back in 2007 but I was with my ex still. At the end of '07 I split with the ex, couple of months later Gavin and I get messaging on facebook. He worked on the meat and fish counter and I worked on the I guess you could say we fell for each other over a fillet of fish, he taught me how to do it :P
After splitting with the ex I went to a party with the girls and ended up leaving early. At home on msn I was talking to his best friend (now engaged to his sister) who gave me his number, thus begun the set up of a date the next day.
After that we saw each other everyday and became inseparable. 
We've just bought a flat together and are slowly doing it up. 
I've had long-term relationships in the past but I know now that he's the one...
Enough of the gushy's some photos in as good as chronological order as I could manage.

This photo was taken on one of the first nights out we had together back in Feb 2008
I was rocking the black hair so I could use someone else's ID...

And another early photo fro nights out, the brown hair looked much better :) 

I seem to remember this night really clearly, he was late coming to see me and I got really annoyed...but he took me out for dinner so it was alright

Gavin said I should wear blue eyeshadow here...really doesn't suit me!

April 2008 we went on a ship launch for a Royal Caribbean cruise ship
An amazing night 

Random trip to the beach :) 

My 18th birthday
Frankie and Benny's meal

First holiday together in Cyprus
I want to go on more holidays but Gavin doesn't really like them so I go with Mum and friends...

Christmas Eve 2008
Our first Christmas together

Mucking around...
Love his face here

This was the Christmas when I decided to lose weight after seeing the photos...
I lost two stone and since then my weight goes up and down. I'm going to write a post about that at some point......sensitive subject

Gavin's 20th Birthday

Gavin's 21st Birthday

Summer days in Tilgate park

Gorring Beach on a windy day

Something about this photo makes me's just so natural of us

So is this one, just being our usual, weird selves

This is my favourite EVER photo of us
I love it

My 19th Birthday
Gavin took me out for a meal where we went for our work's Christmas do, when we got together 3 days later

Another meal for my 19th, joint with my Mum's bday

Summer BBQ at my Mum's

A friend's wedding

Christmas 2009 

Snow days early 2010

Gavin's sisters party...I got really quite drunk and inappropriate around his siblings :/ whoopsy!

My 20th birthday
Love the hat :D

Down the pub for my 20th

Pub for Gavin's 22nd

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