Monday, 21 March 2011

They Never Said It Would Be Easy

So I haven't posted in a while
It's been a tough week
On the plus side I've spent some time seeing my friends 
I won't go into details here but I owe a lot to my friends and family
They are all my rocks and I don't know how I would have coped this week/weekend
Love them all to bits <3 
I've very nearly finished uni now
All my 120 film is scanned and just needs editing
Anyone good at photoshop!? I suck at it!!!
I've got two essays to write but one's very nearly there so not stressing yet
Believe me in two weeks time I'll be ripping my hair out
The weight loss is going well, I've lost 9 and a half pounds to date and people are starting to notice :) 
Right now I'm trying to decide what to do for my 21st 
My Mum wants one thing but I'm not sure it's practical
I want another but the boy isn't keen on it
How to keep everyone happy!
Due to my current situation I've done a wee bit of retail therapy
It has significantly raised my spirits...sad but true
No outfits recently as I've felt pretty rubbish
I'll try and get on it this week

Mini 'Haulage'
 Primark Diamante Studded Jumper
I really love love love this 
I bought it on a whim last weekend and wore it straight out that night
I stayed at my Mum's a few days and didn't have the right clothes to go out with
I decided on this with skinny jeans and black biker boots
I only went to the local gay bar (it's actually pretty awesome :) ) with a few friends in an effort to put a smile on my face, which it definitely did
Again I love them so much
The blush pink colour works well with my skin tone which I really wasn't expecting 
So yeah I'm impressed with my little Primark purchase
 This very nearly felt like fate...
Primark Cherry Print Playsuit
The only one of these I saw in my local Primark and it was my size
Granted it doesn't quite do up but it won't be long
Literally half an inch and it's there
My other playsuit from Primark has elasticated bit on it so I assume the fact this one doesn't explains why it doesn't quite fit
Can't wait to wear this
 Close up of the print
 New Look Camel Dotty Peter Pan Collar Dress
I tried this on when it was full priced and begrudgingly put it back on the shelf
It didn't fit at all :( And I refused to size up
Normally I don't mind but for some reason I wouldn't this time
When I saw this in the sale for a tenner I grabbed it
It still doesn't quite do up but it goes up a hell of a lot further than it did
I reckon this will fit around the same time the playsuit will
I know it seems silly to buy clothes that don't quite fit but to me it's an incentive to get into all the prettyness
 The bestest took me to Lakeside last week
I hadn't been in years
The Primark there quite literally BLEW MY EFFING MIND
I fell in love
It's huge, much bigger than my local store
I prefer it to Oxford Street, no where near as busy and I felt I didn't have to rush
I could have literally spent hundreds in there
I'm not too ashamed to say I dreamed about it that night :/ okay maybe that is slightly embarassing...
Primark Floral Summer Dress
£5 yes another one
This was so flattering, I'll wear it with tights now but can't wait to get my bare legs out in the Summer
 No idea what to call this...
Erm a floral Kimono/Bedroom Jacket/Blaaah??
Anyway it was £10 and I only saw it in my size
Another fateful purchase?
I wore this the other day to the cinema with my Mummy (we saw Battle LA, go see it it's AMAZING!!) and I felt so summery, shame it was still so bloody cold
 Primark Nautical Flats
Loved the anchor detail and the strawy bit on the sole
Perfect for Summer
 Primark Hot Pink Ballet Flats
Pink, flats, cheap what more can I ask for
 These are actually navy
Slightly more expensive at £12 but still love them
Only showing one here as I broke the other and it was in the process of being super glued back together...long story

I'll hopefully try and keep up blogging regularly 
But things are super tough right now so please bear with me

Much Love

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