Saturday, 5 March 2011

MAC Wonder Woman and Viva Glam Gaga II

When I got my scholarship fund in I knew I had to get me some Wonder Woman action
I did have to wait a bit and many a temptation came my way, I only gave in at the make up show though
So come Wednesday this week when I saw the collection had gone live on the MAC site I had a wee browse
I thought it wasn't going live until Thursday but it's all good!
I really wanted to get my mitts on the Pink Power MSF as Golden Lariat looks too dark for my paler than a polar bear complexion
But it still says 'coming soon' on it so I'll just have to keep checking
If not on the 17th I'm off to London for tea with the bestest and seeing as my closest MAC is in London and I have a £15 gift card I will hunt it down
So I settled on the blush in Amazon Princess, the lipglass in Wonder Woman and also added the newest addition to the Viva Glam collection of lipsticks, Gaga II, to my basket...just tog et it above £50 for free shipping of course....
And today my little package arrived (well yesterday but I wasn't in so had to pick it up today...) I do love that little black box 
 I know a lot of people have expressed their dislike for the new collection's packaging but I personally love it
I love bright stuff, and pretty girly things too of course
But a bit of in your face red, yellow and blue really gets me too
Plus they're the colours of my university...and quite possibly my graduation gown 
Who knows!
Everything seems to be on's all so big compared to usual sizes (apart from the lipstick of course) I'm desperate for the MSF, writing this has made me realise how much I want it. I've not bought any of the past collections.
To be fair I've only been buying MAC since August so not many have come along. 
I fully intended to get something from A Tartan Tale but just didn't get around to it, and forgot to tell Mum for Christmas, I really coveted the Rose Ole Powder for the ChamPale collection but it sold out before I could get it in my basket, and then the Peacocky collection just didn't really appeal I guess, the eyeshadow colours looked lovely but nothing screamed buy me...
I think buying MAC in America where it's so much cheaper doesn't help as I struggle to justify so much money on make up but felt I deserved a treat this week
I lost another 2lbs at Weightwatchers so thats now 9lbs in three weeks, definitely worth a treat and buying clothes seems a bit silly at the moment
 Anyway onto the products after a lengthy ramble...
Viva Glam Gaga II 
MAC describe this as a light warm beige with an amplified finish
I've got a few nude colour lipsticks and struggle to pull them off
I prefer a little flush of colour and something easy to whack on without a mirror
I don't have the time to faff about with mirrors and lip brushes...blaaah!
I do have the original Viva Glam Gaga and really like it but have to be in the right mood for a proper girly pink
This version is a bit warmer than Creme De Nude and I find it much more wearable
It's a lovely, smooth application and I can see myself getting a lot of use out of this
Might have to look into a few of MAC's other nude offerings, Myth and Hue may be added to the 'to be hunted down and swatched' list 
 On my lips
Excuse the lack of make up, I'm feeling pretty tender from last night
Took a tumble and am really feeling it today
Gavin's threatening to throw away my favourite biker style boots as they have no grip
I'm trying to persuade him it's just because I was slightly tipsy....
 R.I.P Amazon Princess Blusher
I was in Mum's car when I opened my parcel and as soon as I saw the sprinkling of pink powder my heart sank
I was gutted to open the box and see the blusher had smashed
I did however get straight on the phone to customer services who have said this is a common problem with this blusher, but only certain batches??
Why am I so unlucky!
The woman who can re-roder for me isn't in till Monday so I have to wait till then for it to be re-ordered
I just hope it doesn't sell out over the weekend
If it does I guess I'll have to exchange for some of my long list of eyeshadows..
 It's kind of still useable and I've done a swatch a bit further down
Mum reckons the colour's a bit bright for me but with a light hand it should be OK
 Cue stupid hungover sad face 
The colours are lovely so I do hope I can get a replacement
But then again I'm tempted to just go for an eyeshadow and lipstick instead...decisions
 And finally the Lipglass in Wonder Woman
 It's huge!
 Size comparison with my favourite lipglass Nymphette
 It's a lovely red colour, I don't have a red lip gloss so thought it was a justified purchase 
 Look at the size of that doefoot!
It's quite an effort to get the applicator out of the tube and then to use the doefoot as it's so large but I reckon once I get the hang of it it'll be fine
Wonder Woman lipglass on top of Viva Glam Gaga II lipstick
The lipstick tones the red down a fair bit
I do plan to wear the gloss out tonight so I'll try to remember to take a photo then

Sorry about such a lengthy post!



  1. Awww sorry about the blush )= You could always try to fix it with rubbing alcohol? It works well for me. Good luck! x

  2. That's rubbish that it smashed, boo! Hope you still get some use out of it xx

  3. There's a new one on it's way :) Hope the same doesn't happen again though
    At least I can use the broken one for a back 2 mac
