It seems I have been neglecting my poor blog this week :(
To be quite honest it feels like once again I have no time to do anything!
I want to get some nail varnish and other make up reviews up soon especially with all my new eyeshadows, OPI varnishes and my newly established love for lipstick.
Since my birthday I've been basically doing the same old with work, gym and seeing my boyfriend. But it's been awkward to do the last thing as his parents are away for two weeks so he has to stay home, fair enough a free house but he only has a single bed and we tried an air bed....bad sleep!
I've been trying to get in as much gym time as possible at the moment with the holiday getting closer (yay!) but still feel a bit like I'm getting no where....I think it might be my diet and vow to improve it and stick with it for the next couple of weeks before we go. I have however managed to run for 10mins solid which is a huge achievement for me as I couldn't even do 1min without wanting to die 2 months ago :)
Oh that reminds me, anyone have any tips for sticking with healthy eating on a budget and when u work long, stressful shifts right next door to a MacDonalds (the devils!!)???
I started packing this week, I'm one of those people who love to pack about a month in advance! I do have a reason this time though as I'm moving out soon so there's no point in packing to unpack to then pack it's so exciting to get all the pretty dresses and summery clothes out, especially with the rain at the moment...bleurgh! I'm so excited for our holiday, been writing out shopping lists and plans of attack for the malls, I'm just too awesome!
Should be hopefully moving out next week if all goes well. We bought some paint for the flat on Saturday and decided on wallpaper etc. for the living room. I managed to weedle some pink into the bedroom woop :) happy bunny!
Oooh I actually went out on Saturday night for my birthday, I'm not much of a drinker/partier so very rarely go out drinking with the friends. I prefer to stay in with the bf and chill with a film. I had an amazing time though and really enjoyed seeing some friends I haven't seen in a while :) I've also promised myself to go out more often!! Means more excuses to buy shoes :P
As from today I have roughly 6 days off from work so should be hopefully doing some reviews and posts of more interest than these 'What I've been up to...' posts :)
I think I was just shopping, looking for new bikinis. Was just meant to be popping into Tesco's and came out with too much! The clothes were in the sale though, the shoes weren't :/ my bad! I have a bit of a problem!
Top: New Look
Cardigan: Topshop
Skirt: Primark
Leggings: New Look
I changed the skirt a bit later to a denim one when I popped into town to nose the new additions to the Topshop sale, didn't find much just a cardi, waistcoat and strapless top. Still got £40 of vouchers left which I plan to keep until I find the right navy coat for winter in there.
I wore this then to the cinema with my Mum to see Cats and Dogs 2 :) and Inception after. I love seeing kiddie films with my Mum we're both such big kids!
Me and my two best mates Sophie and Kat
Is anyone else already getting excited for Christmas? No? Just me then! I love it :D
i'm obsessed with christmas, i pop on the christmas tunes in september! no one else shares my love for it though :(! i've tagged you at my blog :)