As a UK size 16 high street fashion isn't completely out of my range...
It is however difficult to find flattering trends
I tend to stick with what I know, florals, dresses, floaty tops
Call it a comfort zone if you will
A few things I've been coveting recently....

Warehouse £75
This would be perfect for my Mum's cocktail party in December...
It wouldn't be too clingy on my 'problem' areas, all though my trainer is helping with those :)
The sparkles are just enough to make it special but not too OTT

£65 Warehouse
I'll probably wait until this (hopefully) goes in the sale
It's just my style, but isn't floral so it would make a nice change

£65 Warehouse
This is another contender for the Cocktail party dress
£10 cheaper but I think I might need to take my Mum with me and try them both on
Need to get some new shoes too :)

£50 Topshop
This is a stunning dress
Although I feel the bodycon skirt would not be good on me at all
I don't tend to suit tight skirts, they look weird on me
But it would be worth buying a pair of spanx just for this little beaut!

£38 Topshop
Another topshop dress, I love them :)
This is a little different for me, the print is a bit out of my comfort zone
I love leopard print, mainly on shoes or accessories, but I don't have any clothes with the print
The cut of this dress looks like it would be really quite flattering, just hope it would fit!

£48 Topshop
I have the lighter colour of this cardigan and live in it
This more camel toned version is really nice too
But can I justify two £48 cardigans so similar??

£38 Topshop
I love the peter pan collar style around at the moment, it's so cute
This is probably due to my final major project centering on themes of fairytales and Peter Pan being one of my all time favourite Disney films
Again a leopard print (I'm really embracing it :P)
This might be a trying on possibility, not sure it would flatter my shape...

£35 Topshop
Love the colour
Love the shape
This is a perfect shape! It would be really flattering and smart with a pair of black skinny trousers, great for a few drinks with the girls :)

£35 Topshop
This is a dress I love but not sure I would wear
The shape and material is really nice it's just the stripes I'm not sure about
I love a good stripe but I don't think it looks quite right here
I think if I try it on I could change my mind...

£32 Topshop
Another flowwy to avoid the muffin top effect of trousers!
A pretty print and a cinched in waist, yum

£28 Topshop
More peter pan collars!
The colour of this dress reminds me of mulled wine
Something I can't wait to make

£28 Topshop
A cheap and cheerful dress (I've gone insane, £28 is now cheap!?)
The colour's a bit different, not sure about it against my skin tone but you never know!
The shape reminds me of the perfect black dress I used to have, until it shrunk and got far too short to be decent

£26 Topshop
Bit of a different print for me, there is a floral version but I have so many florals in my wardrobe another would just be silly....

£18 Topshop
I don't have enough plain tops in my wardrobe
This isn't plain and boring though, the texture gives it a little something and would hide any lumps and bumps...

£39.50 Style 369
I found this store via plus size blogs and love the shoe selection
I have wide feet and have issues with shoes sometimes, despite this I have too many of them apparently!
These are gorgeous, the heel doesn't look too high and I could wear them during the day with ease (I'm not a heels kind of girl!)

£18 Style 369
Love flat shoes and these are very pretty with their tapestry style print
Perfect for autumn with thick tights and a pretty dress (possibly the rust coloured Topshop one? I think so)
Sorry about a super long post but I haven't posted in a while :)
Belle x